weftron Now Offering Contact Band and Fabric Protection Sleeves
for Connections with Special Requirements
weftron provides businesses with economical solutions for applications involving connections with special requirements. The company offers special high performance louvertac type electrical contact band elements which, when combined with application specific machined metal and plastic components, transform into excellent ‘high performance contact systems’.
Hof, Germany, March 30, 2011
- weftron provides businesses with economical solutions for applications involving connections with special requirements. The company offers special high performance louvertac type electrical contact band elements which, when combined with application specific machined metal and plastic components, transform into excellent ‘high performance contact systems’.
The capability of louvertac contact inserts combine very high mating cycles, low resistance, low mating force and small footprint. So especially suited for high performance applications in the medical, railroad, military and for the aerospace market. The inherent capability of weftron louvertac type contact bands to carry extremely high currents on small footprint make them the first choice in contact technology with the machine-building, switch-panel, MCC (motor-control-center) and the power transmission and distribution market.
The company name “weftron“
is made up of the word “weft“ which is a technical English term in textile weaving and the word-ending “tron”, which is borrowed from the words electronics or mechatronics. In that sense, the company name “weftron” explains what the company’s products and services are all about.
On the other technology side of weftron contact band products there are innovative engineered fabric protection sleeves to protect wires, hoses, tubes, cables and related components from mechanical and from thermal influences. (abrasion protection, radiant heat protection, cut through protection rattle noise prevention EMI protection). All of these before mentioned weftron technologies have to do with “connecting things” hence the copyrighted weftron slogan “for connections with special requirements”.
One very good product example for which a patent was recently granted and which is one of several developments that are in the weftron development pipeline that truly encompasses the term “weftron”, is a “easy on self-closing” electrically conducting technical fabric protection sleeve product. It is composed of electrically conducting wires with mechanically protecting textile support filaments and is used in applications where sensitive systems also need protection from electromagnetic interference. Such weftron products may also be used in applications to protect wire bundles from being struck by lightning. Lightning strike protection of this sort is especially needed in wires and cables on aircraft.
weftron products are either developed and produced within weftron gmbh, or they are manufactured at companies that are owned by the shareholders and partners of weftron gmbh. In this way, weftron is able to control quality and price while being able to react quickly to special customer requirements.
weftron gmbh was founded in 2011 as a result of a merger of the two smaller businesses. “tecotx MTBieg” (technical components and textiles) which was founded in 2002 and the “PSD development GBR” (protection systems development) founded in 2003. Both businesses have excellent track records in their industries along with several patent applications in the field of technical textile protection products and now continue their experience under the new “weftron” roof.
Today, Martin Bieg, who also is co-founder of the two before mentioned businesses, is the CEO of weftron gmbh and holds shares in weftron along with two other highly successful business partners. This team of experienced partners along with their highly skilled employees contributes to all of the development, production and assembly resources for the complete weftron product line along with proven logistics, marketing, sales, finance and general management skills. In case of temporary resource shortages within weftron, there is immediately available support from 3 other production companies that are owned by the shareholders of weftron gmbh.
weftron gmbh
Fischmarkt 4
67334 Speyer, Germany
Phone: +49 6232 602946
Email: priority@weftron.com
Website: www.weftron.com